
European International Research Academy (EUIRA) aims to embark on interdisciplinary discussions on voguish research approaches, latest research findings and practical experiences in the field of social and applied sciences. EUIRA is strongly committed to promote global communication, knowledge sharing, and a strong bonding among scholarly community. Therefore, EUIRA offer a unique platform for professors, experts, researchers, students, scholars, professionals and interested individuals to exchange and discuss the latest scientific inquiries, methods, and achievements on novel research and discoveries with each other.


We Invite for participation in EUIRA 2023 following upcoming conferences, ‘ISB – September 2023’ and ‘EISD – November 2023’. Participants are invited to submit their research work in the following  categories according to the interest groups as per their area of expertise. Further conference details are available on the conference page related to diverse interest groups.

Upcoming Conference Interest Groups

Submission Categories


Scholars are invited to submit abstract. More details Here


Full papers should be submitted in the form of .pdf file. More details Here


Scholars are invited to submit work in progress papers. More details Here

July, 2023
August, 2023

Explore the Destinations

Submission Categories

The outbreak of COVID-19 has effected millions and we have taken this global pandemic into consideration. The safety and health of our participants are important for US. Therefore the committee has decided to offer the presentation in both online and physical mode. All online participants will receive special PROMOTIONAL PRICE in registration. Please review the Registration Page for details or contact US. Stay safe, Stay healthy.

Conference Tracks

EIRA proposes a broad range of tracks covering many disciplines and invites authors to select one of the areas of interest from each track. Each broad track represents the following areas but not limited to: